Night Mind

The internet's source for all the dark, mysterious, horrifying, and strange things to be found in this world's realm, hosted by one of them himself. Thought beyond darkness.

Follow Along With Mystery

Once the sun falls, it's time to open up your Night Mind. Read along with the mystery and dive deep into the strange darkness of the internet.

TWI: The Forgotten Mystery ARG: The enigma known as the Wyoming Incident continues to confuse and disturb viewers to this day--not just by the nature of its videos, but by the deep, spiraling backstory. What can we learn from one of the internet's oldest alternate reality games and video creepypastas?

Explaining: This House Has People In It: This House Has People In It is the latest Adult Swim horror short film crafted by the artists at AB Video Solutions and Wham City Comedy! But it's also one of the most complex internet puzzles I've ever tackled. What is the secret of This House?

Ben Drowned: The Full Story & ARG: You've heard the story, you've listened to the creepypasta, and you've seen the gameplay footage... but do you know just how deep the Ben Drowned experience truly runs? Step inside for a trip to meet the Moon Children, and get in on the secrets of the Jadusable ARG.

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